Disney Interactive Studios NTR-AI2E-USA Video Games User Manual

Disney Interactive Studios
High School Musical - Makin’ The Cut!
DS Manual
Disney Interactive Studios
High School Musical - Makin’ The Cut!
DS Manual
The faculty at East High School agrees that winning the
Best Youth Musical in America (BYM America) competition
would be the drama club’s greatest achievement. Sharpay
Evans thinks so too, and before anyone can stop her, she
signs up the Wildcats’ six top performers for the contest.
And she has signed YOU up for the competition, too!
It’s a long way from Albuquerque, New Mexico to the
BYM America national stage on Broadway. To make it
there, you and the East High Drama Club will need to
practice hard, perform at your best, and never give up!
So take a moment to review your moves, turn off your cell
phone and get’cha head in the game!