Disney Interactive Studios Meet the Robinsons: Robinson Industries for Nintendo DS Video Games User Manual

Health and Energy
You have two important gauges: Health and Energy. Keep an
eye on them at all times!
The Health gauge decreases each
time you take an attack from an
enemy character. Use Health
Kits to restore your health. You
can build these at the Monitor
The Energy gauge decreases each
time a gadget is used. For a quick
refill, use the Energy Kits you build
at the Monitor Station to keep the
gadgets working. Energy will refill
automatically if you don’t use your
gadgets for a short while.
Defeating your enemies takes speed and cunning.
But more importantly, it takes plenty of cool gadgets.
Arm yourself with the latest in Robinson technology.
The Robinson Disassembler
The ultimate recycling tool, the Disassembler
breaks down objects, revealing the interior
contents which can then be used in the
Monitor Station to build and upgrade items.
The Robinson Scanner
Robinson Scanner allows you to collect
information about the people, enemies,
places, and things in the environment.
The Charge Glove
Create a Chargeball to
blast your opponents!
Hopping Shoes
Need a lift? These shoes
will help you grab ledges that
you normally could not reach.
TIP: Save energy!
Use the Robinson
Technology wisely
to clear the
Warning: Do not use the
Charge Ball Glove outside
of official Chargeball Courts
as it may cause electronics
to short out, malfunction,
or otherwise misbehave!
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