Disney Interactive Studios Meet the Robinsons: Robinson Industries for Nintendo DS Video Games User Manual

The Family Album
When you find photos of the Robinson Family
scattered throughout the levels, you can scan
them to receive new plans and schematics
for new inventions!
The Robinson
Monitor Station
You can use the station to save
the game. You can build and
upgrade your gadgets or create
Energy and Health Kits.
Assigning Gadgets
to Buttons
Keep your gadgets ready by mapping them to
the Y, X, or A Buttons.
Press START to bring up the
Gadget Screen (or touch the
Backpack in the lower left of
the Touch Screen). This will
display all of the gadgets you
currently possess.
Use the stylus and drag the
gadget icon into the respective
circles to assign the gadgets to
the Y, X, and A Buttons.
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