Disney Interactive Studios Chicken Little for PlayStation 2 Video Games User Manual

Live the hair-raising adventures of Chicken Little and his
band of mist friends – Fish-Out-of-Water, Runt-of-the-Litter
and Abby Mallard – as they embark on the adventure of a
lifetime. Help them battle to save the town of Oakey Oaks
from an alien invasion with an arsenal of cool gadgets.
Along the way, you’ll nd
that when it comes to saving
the world, it helps to be
a little chicken!
Chicken Little’s life hasn’t been the same since
that unfortunate “sky falling incident”. He’s
plucky, determined and pretty inventive at
dealing with the challenges the world hands you
when you’re particularly small. Chicken Little
seems obsessed with finding an opportunity,
a great moment, to prove to everyone that he’s
something more than that silly little hysterical
chicken who thought the sky was falling.
Chicken Little
Chicken Little’s father,
Buck Cluck is a loving
parent trying his very
best to help his only
son find his way. He
will provide words of
wisdom to guide you on
your adventure.
Buck Cluck