Loading the Ribbon
CAUTION: Always use ribbon that is wider than the media. The
smooth backing of the ribbon protects the printhead from wear.
(For Direct Thermal printing, do not load ribbon in the printer.)
To load ribbon, refer to Figures 5a and 5b.
1. Place the roll on the Ribbon Supply Spindle(l) and push it on all
the way.
2. Pull the end of the ribbon over the Ribbon Sensor(k), under the
Printhead assembly(f), and up over the Ribbon Guide Plate(m).
3. Wind the ribbon onto the Take-up Spindle(n) for several turns in a
clockwise direction.
4. As you close the Printhead Assembly, keep the ribbon snug and
free of wrinkles, and in line with the guide mark near the left edge
of the Ribbon Guide Plate.
Removing Ribbon
To remove the ribbon, turn the Release Knob on the end of the Take-up
Spindle(n) counterclockwise and slide the ribbon off the Spindle.
8 Z Series™ User’s Guide
Figure 5b. Ribbon Loading
Thu Jul 02 09:48:50 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen