Software Command Syntax
09/14/2009 TTP 2000 Technical Manual P1002902-002
Bar codes can only be printed in portrait mode unless Fixed Document Mode is selected. See
Parameter n36 — Document Mode on page 104.
This command reserves an information field as a bar code field. The command also identifies
the type, number of digits, and the configuration of bars to be placed in the bar code field.
ESC B S n1...n11
Barcode field Specify
1B 42 53 n1...n11 hex
27 66 83 n1...n11 decimal
n1 Specifies the bar code field number. The valid range is 0 – 15. Bar code fields may
be specified in any order.
n2n3 Specifies the X coordinate of the bar code field origin (n2 is the higher order byte
and n3 the low order byte).
n2 and n3 are one byte numbers. Refer to Two-Byte Character Definitions
on page 36 for more information about two byte values. Values that place the
barcode outside the printable area may cause the barcode to be partially printed and
be unreadable.
n4n5 Specifies the Y coordinate of the bar code field origin (n4 is the high order byte and
n5 is the low order byte).
n4 and n5 are one byte numbers. Refer to Two-Byte Character Definitions
on page 36 for more information about two byte values. Values that place the
barcode outside the printable area may cause the barcode to be partially printed and
be unreadable.
n6 Must be specified but is not used.
n7n8 Specifies the height of the bars in pixels (n7 is the high order byte and n8 is the low
order byte).
n9 Specifies the type of bar code. The following types are supported.
n9 = 0 EAN 8 or 13 (auto detect). The printer calculates the necessary check digit.
n9 = 1 UPC
b9 = 2 2/5 Interleaved (even number of characters must be sent)
n9 = 3 ISBN
n9 = 4 Code128 (Start data string with C2h to encode EAN128)
n9 = 6 Code39
n10 Specifies the thickness of the narrow bar 0=1 pixel, 1=2 pixel, and so on.
n11 Specifies the wide-bar-to-narrow-bar ratio. Only used in Code 39 and 2-of-5
interleaved where different ratios are allowed