Technical Support Service via Telephone
Before you call - Misunderstanding instructions or omitting a step are the most common
sources of error. Please reread the manual and use the table of contents and appendixes for help.
Be prepared - To possibly avoid excess time and expense of a long-distance phone call,
please complete the Service Form on the next page in its entirety. Only with ALL of the
information requested can we give you accurate and fast assistance. Also, you should be
able to answer the following questions when you call:
Does the printer perform all self test functions properly?
Does the printer work properly with some equipment but not with others?
Are the cables the same? Were the configuration settings changed?
Is the problem limited to one label, or does it occur on all labels?
Zebra Technical Support is available Monday - Friday. Call us directly at:
Zebra USA (847) 913-2259 7:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST
Zebra UK +44 (0) 1494 472872 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. GMT
Technical Support via Mail or Fax
If you prefer to seek assistance in writing, please mail or fax a completed Service Form
(on the next page) to the address or fax number shown on the form. Enclose any sample
printouts that might illustrate the problem. This is necessary to avoid delays.
Support Services