PrintServer II
Print Server II
PrintServer II User and Reference Guide 89
IPX Alerts (Traps)
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) is
Netware’s network-layer protocol that
handles networking addressing, routing,
and packets.
This feature has you enter the IPX Network
Address and IPX Node Address that traps
will be sent to.
To broadcast traps to all addresses on all
networks, enter FFFFFFFF in the IPX
Network address field and
FFFFFFFFFFFF in the IPX Node Address
To broadcast traps to all addresses on a
specific local network, enter the network
number in the IPX Network Address field
and then FFFFFFFFFFFF in the IPX Node
Address field.
To disable traps, set all destination
addresses to 0.
SMTP Email Alert Configuration
This feature allows you to enter data
regarding System Information on the
network that is being used. Typically, a
Network Administrator would use this.