Configuring Printers with WebLink
Configuring Weblink
P1071336-002 1/20/15
Additional Firewall Configuration
Some firewalls do not allow the first connection attempt for a device to be HTTPS, or they
require newconnections to be made periodically in order to keep the initial connections intact.
The weblink test branch was provided to address issues that typically arise because the printer
is an unattended device.
To configure the printer to attempt an HTTP connection anytime that the HTTPS connection
drops, issue the following commands:
The weblink.ip.conn1.test.location can be any valid HTTP address. The default uses a
link provided by Zebra that exists for no other purpose than to help developers test their
connections to the internet. Setting
weblink.ip.conn1.test.test_on to interval or both will
force the printer to attempt a connection to the URL in location every
weblink.ip.conn1.test.retry_interval seconds (default is 900 seconds/15 minutes).
To configure the printer to try an HTTP connection periodically, independent of the HTTPS
success, issue the following commands:
Difference Between Conn1 and Conn2
The printer has the ability to connect to two different servers. Connection 1 (conn1) and
Connection 2 (conn2) are identical in every way in terms of their configuration. It is expected
that conn2 will typically be left unmodified unless a user has an alternate server that they wish
to use to configure the printer.
A typical scenario in which both connections would be used is if a user wishes to have the
printer connect to both a configuration server and a data source.
Enable Logging
If your printer has trouble connecting, you may wish to enable logging. By default, logging is
not enabled in order to reduce the amount of memory consumed when the Weblink feature is
enabled. It is recommended that, once the Weblink feature is configured properly and is
performing as expected, the logging be disabled or that a very small (less than 100) number of
logging entries be permitted.
To enable logging, weblink.logging.max_entriesneeds to be modified. By default, it is set
to zero (0), which indicates that no messages are logged. When attempting to troubleshoot
connection issues, it is recommended that
max_entries be set to at least 100 entries. Setting
max_entries to 100 means that the 100 newest logging entries will be present in
weblink.logging.entries. Older entries are discarded when the maximum number of entries
is reached.