This document contains information proprietary to Zebra Technologies Corporation. This docu
mentandtheinformationcontainedwithiniscopyrightedbyZebraTechnologiesCorporation and
maynotbeduplicatedinfullorinpartbyany personwithoutwrittenapprovalfromZebraTechnol
ogiesCorporation.Whileeveryeffort hasbeenmadetokeep theinformationcontainedwithincur
rent and accurate as of the date of publication, no guarantee is given or implied that the document
is error-free or that itis accuratewith regardto anyspecification. ZebraTechnologies Corporation
reserves the right to make changes, for the purpose of product improvement, at any time.
LP2722, TLP2722, LP2742, TLP2742 and TLP3742 are service marks and Zebra is a trademark
of ZebraTechnologiesCorporation.WindowsandMS-DOSareregisteredtrademarksofMicrosoft
Corp. All other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
LP2722, TLP2722, LP2742, TLP2742 and TLP3742 Thermal Printers
European Council
Compliance to Standards
89/336/EEC EMC Directive EN55022-A 1995 RF Emissions control
92/31/EE EMC Directive EN50082-1 1992
Immunity to Electromag-
netic Disturbances
Models: LP2722, TLP2722, LP2742, TLP2742 and TLP3742 conform to
the following specification:
FCCPart 15,Subpart B,Section 15.107(a) andSection 15.109(a)Class Bdigital device
Supplemental Information:
Thisdevicecomplies withPart 15ofthe FCCRules. Operationis subjecttothe followingTwo Con
ditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference , and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Industry Canada Notice:
This device complies with Industry Canada ICS-003 class B requirements.
Cet equipement est conforme a l’ICS-003 classe B de la norm Industrielle Canadian
ii 980344-001 Rev.A