Program Mode Commands
14177L-003 APL-I Reference Guide 11/24/09
The MaxiCode bar code supports these modes:
Purpose To specify a JIS-ITF bar code field.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes The c15 command has one argument, m for mode, which defaults to 0.
Default Value: m = 0
Values for n,m
0 = 5 dot narrow magnification
= 8 dot narrow magnification
= 10 dot narrow magnification
The next command specifies the data source and how many characters are in the current field.
Default Value: 0,14
Values for n:
Important The JIS-ITF bar code always includes an interpretive field located underneath the
bar code field. This symbology cannot achieve a true 2.5 to 1 ratio due to the printhead dot size
limitations. The actual ratio is 2.4 to 1.
m MaxiCode Mode
2 Structured Carrier Message format to be used with postal
codes up to 9 digits long.
3 Structured Carrier Message format to be used with
alphanumeric postal codes up to 6 digits or characters long.
4 Standard bar code.
5 Full EEC or enhanced error correction.
6 Reader programming mode.
This field acquires data from a host. The value for ,m is the data
length: 6 (Condensed), 14 (Standard), or 16 (Extended).
This field is a slave field and acquires its data from the ,m field.
The printer specifies the data during program mode (fixed). The
,m value dictates the JIS-ITF type. If the length of the data is not
exactly 6, 14, or 16, it will round up to the next highest value
(JIS-ITF type) and pad with zeros.