I N T R 0 D U C T I 0 N
CFC Free
Manufacturing of a refrigerator includes certain operations like foaming, gas charging of the
sealed system etc. This involves the use of certain refrigerants, which are released in the
atmosphere, that contain chlorine. These are termed as CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbon).
CFC's when released in the atmosphere affect the ozone layer. It leads to the depletion of the
Ozone layer. The ozone layer acts as shield against the ultra violet sun rays, which are harmful to
us and cause skin diseases.
Whirlpool has responded to this required change by introducing refrigeration products that use
R134a, a Hydroflorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant that is chlorine- free. This refrigerant satisfies the
challenge of producing an environmentally friendly refrigeration product while meeting current
energy-efficiency standards.
Whirlpool to continue their response to produce environmentally friendly refrigeration product in
global level, have started producing in India “The Global No-frost “(GNF) refrigerator which is the
first CFC FREE of its kind.
A new plant is set up at Pune to manufacture the environmentally friendly refrigerators in India by
Whirlpool. All the refrigerators manufactured in this plant will use refrigerant R134a, which is a
CFC FREE refrigerant. R134a refrigerant is, in some ways, similar to R12. There are some very
important and critical differences that must be recognized. These differences require changes to
some sealed system repair procedures which we will see further in this manual.