This Whirlpool
water heater sheet is available for download at www.whirlpoolwaterheaters.com
Tank and
1st Hour
Gallons Width Height BTU Gas Type
Per Hour
Diameter Annual Cost
12-Year Warranty
12-year 333564 3-4 40 68 18” 62” 40,000 Natural 40.5 0.59 3” $309
California Air Quality Management (AQMD) and Air Pollution Control Districts (APCD) Models (Ultra Low NOx)
12-year 333574 5+ 50 75 20” 60-3/4” 40,000 Natural 41.5 0.58 3” or 4” $314
12-year 333577 5+ 50 75 22” 60-3/4” 40,000 Natural 41.5 0.62 3” or 4” $294
12-year 333573 3-4 40 65 18” 62” 40,000 Natural 41.5 0.59 3” or 4” $309
9-Year Warranty
9-year 333571 5+ 50 81 20” 60-3/4” 40,000 Natural 40.5 0.58 3” $314
9-year 333570 3-4 40 69 18” 62” 40,000 Natural 40.5 0.59 3” $309
9-year 333562 3-4 40 67 20” 52-1/4” 40,000 Natural 40.5 0.59 3” $309
California Air Quality Management (AQMD) and Air Pollution Control Districts (APCD) Models (Ultra Low NOx)
9-year 333572 5+ 50 75 20” 60-3/4” 40,000 Natural 41.5 0.58 3” or 4” $314
6-Year Warranty
6-year 333560 5+ 50 87 20” 60-3/4” 50,000 Natural 50.7 0.58 4” $314
6-year 333569 5+ 50 81 20” 60-3/4” 40,000 Natural 40.5 0.58 3” $314
6-year 333585 5+ 50 81 20” 60-3/4” 40,000 Propane 40.5 0.58 3” $529
6-year 333587 3-4 40 69 20” 62” 40,000 Natural 40.5 0.63 3” $289
6-year 333568 3-4 40 53 18” 60-3/4” 34,000 Natural 34.5 0.59 3” $309
6-year 333586 3-4 40 67 22” 52-1/4” 36,000 Propane 36.5 0.62 3” $495
6-year 333567 3-4 40 67 20” 52-1/4” 40,000 Natural 40.5 0.59 3” $309
6-year 333584 3-4 40 53 18” 60-3/4” 33,000 Propane 33.5 0.59 3” $520
6-year 333566 1-2 30 54 16” 59-3/4” 30,000 Natural 30.4 0.61 3” $298
6-year 333583 1-2 30 54 16” 59-3/4” 29,000 Propane 29.4 0.61 3” $503
6-year 333565 1-2 30 54 18” 49” 30,000 Natural 30.4 0.61 3” $298
6-year 333582 1-2 30 50 18” 49” 29,000 Propane 29.4 0.61 3” $503
California Air Quality Management (AQMD) and Air Pollution Control Districts (APCD) Models (Ultra Low NOx)
6-year 333576 5+ 50 75 20” 60-3/4” 40,000 Natural 41.5 0.58 3” or 4” $314
6-year 333591 3-4 40 70 20” 62” 40,000 Natural 41.5 0.62 3” or 4” $294
6-year 333578 3-4 40 65 18” 62” 40,000 Natural 41.5 0.59 3” or 4” $309
6-year 333575 1-2 30 50 16” 59-3/4” 30,000 Natural 31.1 0.61 3” or 4” $298
Standard Gas Water Heaters Speci cations