The control Panel is located at the top front of the refrigerator compartment.
Temperature Controls
For your convenience, your temperature controls are preset at the factory. When you first install your
refrigerator, make sure the controls are still set to the recommended set points asshown.
Recommended Settings
Warmer Q
Colder @
Q armer
• Wait 24 hours for your refrigerator to cool
completely before adding food. If you add food
before the refrigerator hascooled completely,
your food may spoil.
• Ifthe temperature istoo warm or too cold in the
refrigerator or freezer, first check the air ventsto
besure they are not blocked before adjusting the
controls. See "Ensuring Proper Air Circulation".
To Turn Your appliance Off/On:
• Pressthe freezer (+) touch pad repeatedly until
"OFF" appears inthe freezer display.Allow afew
seconds for the refrigerator to shut off. Neither
compartment will cool.
• Presseither the refrigerator or freezer (-) touch
pad to turn on the appliance.
Adjusting Controls
The REFRIGERATORcontrol adjusts the
refrigerator compartment temperature. The
FREEZERcontrol adjuststhe freezer compartment
temperature. If you need to adjust the temperature
in either the refrigerator or freezer compartment,
usethe settings listed in the chart asa guide.
To Adjust Set Point Temperatures:
• Pressthe (+) or (-) touch padsuntil the desired
temperature set point isdisplayed.
NOTE: Exceptwhen first turning on the refrigerator,
do not adjusteither temperature control more than
one settingat a time. Wait 24 hours for the
temperature to stabilizebetween adjustments.