Food storage guide
There IS a right way to package and store refrlg-
erated or frozen foods To keep foods fresher, longer,
take the time to study these recommended steps
leafy Vegetables
Remove store wrappIng Trim
or tear off brc,lsed and dlscolored areas Wash in
cool woter, drain and store In crisper Cold, moist air
helps keep leafy vegetables fresh and crisp The
crispers have seollng gaskets to help keep humId air
in They also hove a cor:trol to qelp adjust the amount
of humidity in +Cle crispers
Vegetables with Skins (carrots oeppers) Store
or crisper, plastic bogs or plastic container
Wash let dry and store ‘n refrigerator I?
plastic bags -)r crisper Do ‘lot wash or hbli berr’es
until they are
,eady to use Sort and keep berries In
+helr store cor8*ainer ii‘ 0 crisper, or store ir a loosely
closed paper nag on a refrigerator shelf
bleat 1s perishable and expensive you
won’+ want to tiaste orI ounce of It through careless
handling The following list orId chart give you pack-
aging hints or d trme llmlts Store meat in the meat
Fresh, Prepackaged Meat. Store fresh meat In
t4e store wrapping Vacuum pacKaged meat con
oe frozen for
lorIg OS one month if the seal IS not
1‘ VOLI want to keep I+ fr-zerm lopger, you
should iurap it .vlth spec,a freezer wrappIng material
Fresh Meat, Not Prepackaged. Remove the
market wrapping paper and re-wrap IOOSely ln
waxed paper or altiminum foil for st,orlng it unfrozen
Cooked Meat. Wrap or cover cooked meat with
waxed paper plastic tiraL: or albmlnum foil Store
Cured or Smoked Meat and Cold Cuts. Ham,
bacon, sausage, cold cuts, etc, keep best In origl-
nal wrappings Once opened, tightly re-wrap in
plast:c wrap or aluminum foil
Canned Ham. Store In refrigerator unless the la-
bel says It’s okay to store on the shelf Do not freeze
Fresh Poultry. Loosely wrap In waxed paper or
plastic wrap The plastic wrap on poultry, as pur-
chased, may be used for storage
variety Mods
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 to2
Chltk@n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 to2
GroundBeel m..................... 1 to2
Steaks and Roasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 to5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7telO
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CowCuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 to5
*If meat is to be stored longer than the tiis given,
the directions for freezing.
NOTE: Fresh fish and shellfish should be used the
same day as purchased
Store wIthout washing In the origlnal car-
ton or use the Utility Bin that came wtth your
Milk Wipe milk cartons For best storage, place
milk on interior shelf
Beverages Wipe bottles and cans Store on a
door shelf or InsIde the refrigerator
Butter Keep opened butter in covered dish or In
the Butter Compartment When storing an extra sup-
ply, wrap in freezer packaging and freeze
Cheese Store In the orIgInal wrapping until
you are ready to use it Once opened, re-wrap
tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
Store small jars and bottles (cat-
mustard, jelly, olives) on the door shelves where
they are in easy reach
leftovers Cover leftovers with plasttc wrap or
aluminum foil to keep food from drying out and
transferring food odors Plastic containers with tight
?ds are fine, +oo