Changing the light bulb...
Unplug the refrigerator first.
’ React- behlr 1 control corlsole to flr,a bulb
i Remove bUr
Ice cube trays.. .
To remove Ice:
Hold tray at both ends
. Slightly twist
If cubes are not used. they may snrtnk TQe moving
cold air starts a slow evaporarlon The longer cubes
are stored, the smaller they get
Sounds you may hear.. .
‘~‘our qew refrlgerotor may make sounds that your old one didn’t
Because the sounds are new to you. you might be concerned about
them Don’t be Most of the new sounds are normal Hard surfaces like
‘he floor, walls and cabinets can make the sounds seem louder
The followlng chart describes the kinds of sounds that might be new
t,? syoc1 and what may be maklng them
~~~ -___
__~ --__
Water Sounds
When the refrigerator stops running, you may hear gurgling In the tubing for a
tew minutes after It stops. You may also hear defrost water running into the
defrost water pan
Running Sounds:
Your refrigerator has a high-efficiency compressor and motor It
run longer
than older designs It may even seem to run most of the t/me
Energy- saving tips.. .
Yo1.1 <;an help vo:,r refrigerator use less electrtclty
Check -loor gaskets for a tight seal Level the cab-
iPt;‘+ ts ue sure of a good seal
r)lean the condenser
Open tne door as few times as possible. Think
about what yo:; need before you open the door
Get everyt9ng 2ut at one time. Keep foods orga-
nized so you won’t have to search for what you
&ant Close doi*,r as soon as food IS removed
So ahead arlcj fill up the refrigerator, but don’t
sdercrowd it SC .1/r movement
It is a waste of electricity to set the refrigerator and
freezer to temperatures colder than they need to
be. If ice cream is firm In the freezer and drinks are
as cold as your family likes them, that’s cold
Keep the Power Saving Control on OFF unless
moisture forms on the refrigerator exterior
Make sure your refrigerator is not next to a heat
source such as a range, water heater. furnace.
radiator, or in direct sunlight