Silverware basket loading
Load forks and spoons so they don’t nest
together. Spray can’t reach nested items.
Mix items in each section of the basket. Small
items - baby bottle caps, jar lids, etc. -can be
put In any section.
The silverware basket can be loaded while it’s in
place on the door, or it can be taken out for loading
on the counter or table.
It can also be removed for easy unloading.
Always unload or remove the basket before un-
loading the racks to avoid spilling water droplets
on the silverware.
To remove the basket, slide it toward the top
of the door - by the handle. Lift it off the holding
buttons. Replace it in reverse order.
To open the basket, unhook the latch as
shown. Be sure the cover is completely latched
before pulling out the bottom rack and before
closrng the dishwasher door.