General Information
When the desired thickness is reached,
the ice sheets are released and slide
onto a cutter grid where the sheet is
The machine produces clear hard ice
divided into individual cubes. At the
by circulating water over a freezing
end of each freezing cycle the water
plate. As the water freezes into ice,
containing the rejected minerals is
Cubes fall into the storage bin. When
minerals in the water are constantly
discharged to the drain. Fresh water
the bin is full the ice maker shuts off
being rejected and a clear sheet of ice
then enters the machine for the next
automatically and restarts when the
is formed.
ice making cycle.
ice supply needs replenishing,
The service switch located on the control panel at the top
of the machine has three positions. The “on” position is for
the normal ice making cycle. The “off” position shuts the
entire machine off. The “clean” position is used whenever
solutions are circulated through the water system for
cleaning. At this position only the water pump operates and
the red signal light is lit.
The green light indicates power is on to the ice machine.
During the ice making cycle the red light will come on if
the harvest portion is longer than three minutes. This
indicates a malfunction in the normal ice making cycle. The
machine may automatically correct the harvest malfunction
and resume the normal ice making cycle. This causes the
red light to go out. If the red light comes on intermittently
or stays on, it indicates a need for qualified service
NOTE: The red light is also on whenever the service switch
is in the “‘clean” position. This does not indicate a
Turn Clockwise To
Increase Thickness
Thickness of the ice can be varied by rotation of the
inverted “L” shaped adjusting screw which is located on the
thickness control. The thickness control is mounted on the
lower freezing plate. One complete rotation of the adjusting
screw varies the thickness approximately l/16”. To increase
thickness turn the screw in a clockwise direction. Maximum
production of ice in pounds will be obtained with the
control set to produce ice approximately 112” thick.
In some areas it may be beneficial to filter or treat the
water being supplied to the ice machine to reduce water
system maintenance (see Cleaning & Sanitizing the Ice
Making System) and to produce the best type of ice.
For information on filtering and treating the water see your
WHIRLPOOL commercial ice maker dealer.