Tension adjustment
of the door spring
Tension adjustment of the door spring
Connection of drain hoses
Th e do or spr ing s ar e set at the f act ory to the prop er t ens ion f or th e o ute r door. If a est heti c
wooden panel are installed, you will have to adjust the door spring tension. Rotate the
adjusting screw to drive the adjustor to strain or relax the steel cable(see figure 5).
D oo r sp ri ng te n sio n i s c orr ect when
the door remains horizontal in the
fully opened position yet rises
Insert the drain hose into a drain pipe with a minimum diameter of 4cm, or let it
runintothesink,makingsuretoavoidbendingorcrimpingit.Usethespe ial
plastic support that comes with the appliance (figure 6). The free and of the hose
mus t be at a hei ght b etwee n 400 a nd 1000 mm an d must not be i mmers ed in water
to avoid the back flow of it. ATTENTION: The special plastic hose support must be
solidly fastened to the wall to prevent the drain hose from moving and allowing water
to spill outside the drain.
Drain pipe connection