754764-100 Rev. A
1. Fill the bath to at least 3 inches above the jets before activating the pump.
2. The pump is activated by an on/off switch. Each depression of the button switches the power either on or off.
Do not repeatedly depress the switch in rapid order if you do not see the whirlpool function right away,
as it may take a few seconds before you can see it fully operating.
3. If any factory installed ttings are removed do not operate the unit. A safety hazard may occur.
4. Do not use bubble bath when you operate the whirlpool pump.
This might cause excessive foaming.
5. Both air and whirlpool systems are plumbed in a way that water will
drain from the plumbing easily.
The whirlpool bath pump is activated by a on-off switch. Each depression of the switch
will actuate the pump. If off, one depression will turn the pump on. If on,
the next depression will turn it off.
The jets can be easily adjusted by pointing the jet-nozzle in the desired direction. For units
with Hydro Jets, the strength of the waterow and air induction can be regulated through
twisting the jet-nozzle. Twisting the nozzle clockwise will decrease the water ow and nally completely
turn off the water ow of that particular jet. If the nozzle is twisted counter- clockwise then the water
ow will increase up to its maximum ow.
Total Massage units are a combination of a whirlpool and air bath. The Total Massage control pad contains six (6) buttons.
The top three controls on the “Therapy Control Center” operate the whirlpool and the bottom three controls operate the air
system. The whirlpool and air massages systems may be used at the same time if desired.
The air bath is controlled by a three button control:
1. The rst button switches the blower on or off. The other features will not operate unless the blower is turned on.
2. The second button sets the power level of the blower. Holding the button depressed will cycle the blower power from
low to high in a continuous cycle. When the desired level is reached, remove your nger quickly from the button to
maintain that power setting.
3. The third button is a three step wave action button. Once activated, the air holes expell air in a slow pulsating ow
called wave action. There are 3 steps or positions for wave strength.
a. Position #1 operates the blower at a steady ow.
b. Position #2 operates the blower at a quick wave action.
c. Position #3 operates the blower at a slower wave action.
ir Baths have a preprogrammed cleaning and purge cycle built in to expel the remaining water in the air channels. It
activates within 20 minutes after the bath is drained, blows for about 2 to 3 minutes and then shuts off automatically.
There is nothing to be alarmed about if you hear a blowing noise coming from the tub after the tub has been turned off.
The noise you hear is the cleaning cycle in operation.
Switches the
on or off
Adjusts the variable
water ow of the jets
Switches from
continuous to wave
action water ow
Switches from
continuous to wave
action air ow
Adjusts the variable
air ow of the blower
Switches the
air blower
on or off