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Intuos2 Stroke Pen
This pressure-sensitive drawing pen was designed for the artist who requires a
combination of visual and tactile feedback. The tip retracts slightly as the pen is pressed, giving it a feel
similar to a soft felt pen.
Intuos2 Airbrush
A true computer airbrush, the pressure-sensitive Intuos2 Airbrush incorporates a
pressure-sensitive tip and eraser, tilt sensitivity, and a fingerwheel that provides an additional degree of
control over the application of digital paint.
Intuos2 2D Mouse
The cordless, batteryless 2D Mouse is an ideal tool for performing any task you may
have done previously with a standard mouse. It includes an integrated middle button and rolling
fingerwheel that can be programmed for a variety of actions, and that can also be used for up and down
scrolling in the active window.
Intuos2 4D Mouse
With simultaneous x/y/z axis manipulation and rotation, the capabilities of the
4D Mouse are unlike any other input device. Use the fingerwheel to smoothly pan and zoom at the same
time. Orient a 3D object with pitch, yaw, and roll control. Smoothly shuttle through video or film with a
nudge from your finger, or just use it as a supercharged mouse.
Intuos2 Lens Cursor
The Lens Cursor is a precise coordinate position input tool. It is ideal for tracing
and digitizing drawings, for CAD processes, or for other vector design applications where the precise input
of coordinate information is critical. The moveable lens can be swung from left to right for comfortable
positioning while you work.