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Double-click speed. The maximum time that can pass between clicks and still be accepted as a double-
click. Increasing the double-click time makes double-clicking easier.
Eraser-aware application. A software application that has built-in support for the Intuos2 eraser.
These applications take advantage of the eraser in different ways, depending on what makes sense for
the application.
Fingerwheel. The control wheel on the Intuos2 Airbrush, 2D Mouse and 4D Mouse.
Landscape. A tablet O
RIENTATION setting. In landscape orientation, the tablet buttons are at the top.
Rectangular tablets will be in a horizontal position. See also por
Lens Cursor. An input device with programmable buttons and cross-hair for entering precise coordinate
position information.
Mapping. The relationship between your Intuos2 tool position on the tablet and the cursor position on the
monitor screen.
Modifier. Modifier keys include S
HIFT, ALT, and CTRL. You can customize your Intuos2 tool to simulate a
modifier key.
Mouse Mode. A method for positioning the screen cursor. When you place an Intuos2 tool on the tablet,
you can navigate the screen cursor like a mouse. This is known as relative positioning. See also P