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It is important to furnish the combi oven with treated water to reduce scale formation. Scale formation will
reduce steam output, cause premature component failure, and shorten equipment life. Most water supplies
contain scale producing minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium. As steam is generated, the minerals
are deposited into the oven cavity.
This may cause several problems:
1. Reduced heat transfer effi ciency.
2. Premature heating element failures.
3. Deposits inside the cavity that can lead to deterioration of the cavity and glass.
These problems are common to any manufacturer's steamer regardless of design, but they can all be
minimized by furnishing the combi oven with treated water and/or performing routine deliming and fi lter
The desired water properties can best be achieved by using a properly maintained water treatment system.
Strainers or fi lters will not remove minerals from the water.
Steamers that operate over a long period of time without the benefi t of a water treatment system develope
a heavy scale build up. These systems should be cleaned before using.
Plumbing connections must comply with applicable sanitary, safety and
plumbing codes.
NOTE: Failure to properly connect the water lines will result in equipment failure that is not covered under
There are two water connections for the combi. Treated water connection supplies steam creation and
spray hose water. Untreated water is only used for drain water tempering. Both connections must have
water supplied to them. If only treated water is available then make both connections with treated water.
Do not supply untreated water to treated connection as it will void warranty.
Connect the treated cold water supply line, min of 3/8" ID, to the ¾" garden hose inlet on the rear of the
Combi Oven. Connect the untreated cold water supply line to the ¾" garden hose, also on the rear of
the Combi Oven for drain water tempering. All water that enters into the oven cavity needs to be treated.
Tempering water is allowable to be untreated.
A water fi lter system is required for the water supply line going to the treated water inlet of your Combi
Oven. Follow the recommendations for use and installation instructions shipped with the water fi lter. If a
water fi lter is not installed, the Combi Oven warranty is limited.
NOTE: Failure to properly connect the water lines will result in equipment failure that is not covered under