Cleaning is recommended for proper operation of your Vornado® Humidifier.
We suggest following the AHAM (Association of Home
Appliance Manufacturers) cleaning regiment several times
during the season.
STEP 1 - Turn the Humidifier OFF and unplug the unit.
STEP 2 - Remove the Water Reservoir and Filter. (See page 11 for instructions).
STEP 3 - Empty the Base and Water Reservoir and rinse with clean tap water.
As noted, depending on the quality of water in your home,
impurities can build up quickly or may take some time. It is possible
that some scale may form on the inside of the Base.
1. Mix a solution of one (1) 8 oz. cup of undiluted white vinegar and 1 gallon
of water. Fill the Base with the solution; discard any remaining solution. Let
solution stay for 20 minutes.
2. Empty after 20 minutes and clean all interior surfaces with soft brush.
Dampen soft cloth with undiluted white vinegar and wipe out Base to
remove scale.
3. Rinse thoroughly with clean warm water to remove scale and cleaning
solution before disinfecting the Base.
1. Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon chlorine bleach and 1 gallon of water. Fill the
Base with the solution, discard any remaining solution. Let solution stay 20
minutes. Wet all surfaces.
2. Empty Base after 20 minutes. Rinse with water until bleach smell is gone.
Dry with clean cloth or paper towel.
3. We recommend replacing the Filter after use, but to prolong the life of the
Filter, disinfect by washing it in a solution of one teaspoon of chlorine
bleach in one gallon of water. Rinse thoroughly to get rid of the
bleach odor.
4. Reinstall the Filter and Water Reservoir. For proper operation, all
components must be properly installed.
1. Follow weekly maintenance instructions at end of humidification
season or when Humidifier will not be used for at least one week or
2. Let Humidifier dry completely before storing. Do not store with
water inside Reservoir or Base.
3. Store in cool, dry location.
4. Remove and discard the Filter if it is not suitable for reuse.
Do not store the Humidifier with a wet Filter. If the Filter is
suitable for future use, remove and empty water from the Base and
Water Reservoir, replace the Water Reservoir, turn the Power
knob to the high fan speed and allow the unit to run until the
Filter is completely dry.
Don’t forget to purchase new Vornado Filters now so your
Humidifier will be ready for the next season. Visit vornado.com to
purchase new filters or sign up for the Automatic Filter
Replacement Program.
5. Clean Humidifier before next season begins.
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