User’s manual maps + more
Car info - 113 -
Note: It is possible that your vehicle does not support all the
instruments which can be shown by the navigation device. In this case
the selection will be limited.
1. In the STATUS window tap on Options > Gauge 1 to configure the
left round instrument.
- or -
► In the STATUS window tap on Options > Gauge 2 to configure the
right round instrument.
- or -
► In the STATUS window tap on the round instrument which you want
to reconfigure.
The G
AUGE 1 or GAUGE 2 list opens. It contains all the instruments
which can be shown. The instrument currently presented is marked.
2. Tap on the instrument which you want to be shown.
3. Tap on OK.
11.3 Think Blue. Trainer.
The Think Blue. Trainer. application offers functions which illustrates
and evaluates your driving profile with regards to acceleration, braking
and shifting gears (on vehicles with manual transmission). These
functions are optimised to help you in your efforts to adopt an ecological
and cost-saving driving style.
11.3.1 Opening the Think Blue. Trainer. application
1. If necessary, tap on (Main menu) to open the START
2. In the S
TART window, tap on Car info > Think Blue. Trainer..
The STATUS window opens. There you can open the other functions
of the Think Blue. Trainer. application or reset the application.
11.3.2 Status
The STATUS window shows the evaluation of your driving profile and
provides information about your consumption. The iris at the centre of
the window indicates how ecological your driving profile is. The more
blue to be seen in the iris, the better your driving profile.