
LAN-to-LAN Routing 6-29
Testing the Connection
You can test the connection by setting the location for manual
set location nsb manual
dial nsb -x
The -x parameter lets you see the connection/authentication
messages in order to verify the connection. Make any necessary
changes to the dial script and retry dialing until the connection
succeeds. Once the connection is successful, verify that the
remote NETServer is accessible through your local network.
For IP routing:
ping nsa
For IPX routing, NETServerB should show up on the SAP
interface table. To see this table:
show sap
Verify that you can access a computer (not the other NETServer)
at the remote site. For example, IP computers could use ping,
rlogin or telnet.
If the NETServers were set up to dial from either end, you
would then reset the ports to break the connection, and repeat
the above steps from the other end of the line. In this case,
however, only NETServer B is dialing.
When the testing is done, reset the ports to break the connection
and then configure the location for on-demand routing.
reset s10
reset s11
set location nsa on_demand
save all