Obtaining Your Area’s FIPS Code(s)
To obtain the FIPS code for the location where you installed your radio,
contact the NWS toll free at 1-888-NWR-SAME (1-888-697-7263).
Visit their website: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/indexnw.htm
If you call the NWS, follow the instructions you hear.
Hint: Since you can program up to 20 FIPS codes into the radio’s memory,
you might want to obtain the codes for other local areas (as long as
those areas are within a 50 mile radius of your local NWS broadcast
station). That way, you can program those codes into the radio and
receive broadcasts covering those locations, too.
If you are close to a county or parish line, you might want to
obtain the codes for the nearby counties or parishes.
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