Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Features
Getting an MMSI number
In order to use DSC features, you must be assigned an MMSI number and
program that number into your radio. There are two kinds of MMSI numbers:
individual numbers for use by single boats and group numbers for use by
eets, boating organizations, event coordinators, etc.
You can get more information on MMSI numbers at these resources:
The dealer where you purchased the radio•
To Obtain an MMSI Code in Australia •
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority allocates MMSI. To apply for
an MMSI complete the MMSI Application form available for download
via www.amsa.gov.au/mmsi . This page has important information
about MMSI and DSC radio.
To Obtain an MMSI Code in NZ•
To obtain an MMSI for a VHF Recreational Radio contact the Ministry
of Economic Development - Radio Spectrum Management at;
Email: info@rsm.govt.nz or free phone 0508 776 4630.
The DSC radio owner should indicate they are seeking an MMSI for a
VHF Recreational Radio and would then need to supply the following;
• Name • VHF Call sign • Vessel Name • Vessel Details
The MMSI given will then be a unique number which will conform to the
ITU format.
Entering MMSI numbers
Individual or user MMSI number
Follow the steps below to enter your individual or user MMSI number into the
NOTE: Be sure you have the correct User MMSI number before entering it
in the radio. The radio only allows you to enter the user MMSI once. If you
need to enter the User MMSI number for the second time, contact customer
service (see page 66 for contact information).
Use the up and down
arrows to adjust each of
the nine digits in turn.
1. Display the menu and choose the Setup sub-menu.
2. Select User MMSI. If an MMSI number was entered previously, the
screen displays it.
UM425 VHF OM.indd 25 28/9/11 11:55:17 AM