15. Glossary
Differentiated Services (DiffServ, or DS) is a
protocol for specifying and controlling network
traffic by class so that certain types of traffic
get precedence - for example, voice traffic,
which requires a relatively uninterrupted flow
of data, might get precedence over other kinds
of traffic.
Alias is the user’s telephone number.
Business and personal service provided by
a telephone company or service provider.
Part of custom-calling services.
The domain name system (DNS) is the way
that Internet domain name are located and
translated into Internet protocol addresses. A
domain name is a meaningful and easy-to-
remember "handle" for an Internet address.
In this context, the term is an acronym for
"coder/decoder." This type of codec
combines analog-to-digital conversion and
digital-to-analog conversion functions in a
single chip.
The term codec is also an acronym that
stands for "compression/decompression.
A gateway is a network point that acts as an
entrance to another network. In IP Telephony,
gateway connects PSTN and IP Network.
Custom-calling Services
Extra services ordered through a telephone
company or service provider.
May include Centrex services.
H.323 is a standard approved by the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
in 1996 to promote compatibility in videoconference
transmissions over IP networks.H.323 was
originally promoted as a way to provide consistency
in audio, video and data packet transmissions in
the event that a local area network (LAN) did not
provide guaranteed service quality (QOS).
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
is a protocol that lets network administrators
manage centrally and automate the assignment
of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in an
organization's network. Using the Internet's
set of protocol(TCP/IP), each machine that can
connect to the Internet needs a unique IP address.
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