Group Call Mode Programming
There are two ways the Group Call Code is transmiitted.
The Uniden UH-100 can be programmed to accept either format.
Group 1 setting recognizes a group call transmitted with equal tone period.
Le. Calling 100 radios, with a tone period setting of 40 mSec.
Group 2 setting recognizes a group call transmitted with the first Group Call Tone period
extended by 3 times the original tone period setting (this is also the default setting).
~ A~
40mSec---+I I+- I
-.j 120mSecI+-
To change the Group Call setting.
From the main menu, using the... or ~ key, go
to the Group Call Mode Programming Menu. (If
you have never changed the Group Call setting
before, its default is Group 2)
Press the MEM key to start programming. The
Alarm setting on display will flash. This indicates
that you can now change the setting.
To change, use the... or ~ key.
When completed, press the MEMkey. The new
Group Call setting stops flashing and will be
stored in the radio memory.
To return to normal operation, press and hold
the OS/GS key for about 1.5 seconds,
or press either the... or ~ key to go to the next
programmable parameter.
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