[ 3 ]
DDiiggiittaall SSpprreeaadd SSppeeccttrruumm TTeecchhnnoollooggyy
utilizes a “wider frequency band“ vs. a
“single narrow band“ used in standard digital transmissions. The 2.4 GHz
frequency range was recently released to commercial communications. The
result is a more secure conversation with the clarity of digital sound, extended
range, and minimal interference from other cordless phones.
RRaannddoomm CCooddee
digital security automatically selects one of over 65,000 codes
for the handset and base.
These features enhance your phone´s security and also prevent unauthorized
calls as a result of your phone being activated by other equipment.
Throughout this manual, terms such as Standby and Talk Mode are used. Below
is the terminology explanation.
SSttaannddbbyy MMooddee
- The handset is not in use, off the base and has not
been pressed. A dial tone is not present and the display is blank.
TTaallkk MMooddee
- The handset is off the base and
has been pressed enabling a
dial tone.
appears in the display.
is a registered trademark of Uniden America Corporation.
Random Code
and Auto Talk
are trademarks of Uniden America Corporation.
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