
Page 76
I Have a Question
4) If the adjustment lock won’t go back down, the bracket joint is
too tight. Twist the adjustment lock one or two turns counter-
clockwise and try to ip it down again.
Why is it that...?
The ScReen iS BluRRy And hARd To ReAd
Dirt and oils from your ngers can stay on the touchscreen.
Periodically clean the touch screen with a lint free cloth dampened
with water only. If the screen remains dirty, try a mild soap solution
or a cleaning spray designed for electronics.
Do not use ammonia on the screen, and never immerse the
device in water.
i cAnT find A locATion on The mAP
Newer addresses may not have existed when the map software
was created. Check www.uniden.com for the latest maps.
Some BuTTonS ARe GRAyed ouT
If a button’s function is not available for some reason the button will
be grayed out. You’ll see this on the input screens, where letters
that don’t match a record in the map database will be grayed out so
you don’t misspell anything.