4. Pick the street from the list.
5. Enter the house number:
1. Tap
2. Enter the house number on the keyboard.
3. Tap
6. The map appears with the selected point in the middle. Tap
(Simple mode) or
(Advanced mode) from the Cursor menu. The route is then
automatically calculated, and you can start navigating.
Tips on entering addresses quickly
• Whenyouareenteringthenameofasettlementorastreet,
TRAX325 only displays those characters that appear in possible
search results. The other characters are greyed out.
• Whenenteringthesettlementnameorthestreetname,tapthe
button after a couple of letters; TRAX325 lists the
items that contain the character set.
• Youcanspeedupndinganintersection:
• Searchrstforthestreetwithalesscommonorlessusual
• Ifoneofthestreetsisshorter,searchforthatonerst.You
• Youcansearchforboththetypeandthenameofaroad.Ifthe
same word appears in several names, for example in the name
of streets, roads and avenues, you can obtain the result faster
Pi A to obtain Pine Avenue and skip all Pine Streets and
Pickwick Roads.
• Youcanalsosearchinpostalcodes.Thisisusefulwhena
street name is common and it is used in several districts of a city.