Introd uction
Welcome to the world of sophisticated, state-of-the-art CB radio communi-
cations. YourUniden PRO5000 representsthe mostadvanced mobileradioever
designed for use in the Citizens Band RadioService. Itwilloperate' on any of the 40
,~M frequencies authorized by the Department of Communications. Your PRO
5000 features a superheterodyne circuit with PHASELOCKEDLOOPtechniques
to assure precise frequency control. Thisradio has been type accepted and certifi-
ed by the DOC
Beforetransmitting with your transceiver, you must obtain clDepartment of Com-
munications (D.O.C) Citizens Radio Licence. Obtain an application form, from
the D.O.C Before completing the formyou should read the conditions governing
the licensing and operation of the CR.S. (D.O.C brochure RB 14). Thisbrochure
also can be obtained from the D.O.C After completing the application form, mail
it with the appropriate fee to the Superintendant Regulatory of Licensing in the
State or territory in which the station will be operated.
Connecting the Power Cords
With regard to the connection of the power cords, it may be possible or desirable
to connect the red lead (fornegative ground systems) or the black lead (forpositive
ground systems) to the ignition switch accessory terminal so that the radio isauto-
matically turned off when the ignition switch (key) is turned off.
Alternately, the power lead may be connected to an available terminal on the fuse
block or even to a point in the wiring harness. Care must be taken, however, to
guard against a short circuit condition. When in doubt, please contact your vehi-
cle dealer for specific information about your vehicle.
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