
::'.;:,',",',.>",',:," .',,'",:',UNIDEN:MC790",,:'>:" "",:" ,
The UNIDEN MC790 VHF marineradio
transceiver has been designed to give you
a rugged reliableinstrument that will pro-
videyou with yearsof trouble-free se Nice,
You are encouraged to thoroughly read
this manual to acquaint yourself with the
characteristicsand operation of your tran-
sceiver so that you can contribute to the
longevity of your investment.
With proper care and maintenance, Y0ur
UN/DEN MC790 will outlast your present
vessel andseNe you well on, board several
more. The full feCltures and flexibility de-
signed into this quality transceiver will
prevent itfrom becoming obsolete regard-
less of changes in craft or geographic
locations. The unit may be mounted in
any number of convenient locations by
utilizing the universal mounting bracket.
The UNIDEN MC790 isof allsolid state
design with conseNatively rated rugged
componepts and materials compatible
with the marine environment. The trans-
ceiver utilizes a number ofgaskets, sealing
rings,. waterproof membranes, and other
sealants to effect a splash proof housing
for protection of the electronics.
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CAUTION: The MC790 will operate only with nominal J2 volt negative ground
battery systems,
It is important to carefully determine the
most suitable location foryour MC790on
your vessel. Electrical, mechanical, and
environmental considerations must all be
taken into account. You must select the
optimum relationship among these con-
siderations. ~~
Keep in mind the flexibility designed into
the MC790 so that you can most conveni-
ently use your radio. Features which
should be considered are:
J. Universal mounting bracket may be
installed on either top or bottom of
shelf, bulkhead, or overhead mount-
2, The microphone connector faces for-
ward allowing convenient in-dash or
"built-in" installations.
3, The front panel can be fully reversedto
provide for optimum viewing and
operating forany mounting position.
4, The REMOTE speaker jack may be
used with an auxiliary speaker,
connections are "plug-in" type for
easy removal of the radio.
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