Set Time
Set Hour. Enter the Hour (0-23).
Set Minute. Enter the minute.
Set Time Zone
Scroll to your time zone.
Set Daylight Saving
On or Off
Replay Options
This allows you to set the recording duration and delete, replay, or rename recording sessions.
Set Replay Duration
30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, or 240 sec.
Review Recordings
Recording Session
Play Session. See Replaying Transmissions.
Delete Session
At Conrm Delete? Press E/yes or ./no.
Rename Session. See Data Naming.
Restore Options
Allows you to clear all user data (full reset) or reset just scanner settings to default.
Clear User Data
(Full Reset) will delete all Favorites Lists, locations, reset all prole options to default,
clear all Avoids, delete all recording sessions, all discovery logs, and all weather event
Note: Pressing and holding 2, 9, and Dept when you power on the scanner will also clear
all user data.
Reset User Settings
Will only reset all scanner settings; the Favorites List will be saved.
See Scanner Information
This will show you how much memory is in use, the rmware version, and scanner serial number.
Keypad Lock (BCD436HP Only)
The only keys/knobs that work when the keypad is locked are Channel for hold mode, ,
Func, and the Scroll Control for volume.
Press Func then
to toggle the keypad lock.
The Wi-Fi dongle allows you to connect to the scanner wirelessly and control your scanner with
the Remote software.
The scanner has two different Wi-Fi connection modes - Infrastructure mode and Access Point
Infrastructure Mode is able to connect to an Access Point device.
With this mode, all you need to do is a set a password. In a few cases, there is no password
needed with the Access Point unit.