Press this key to begin monitoring for strong,
nearby signals. Pressing this key cycles through
the frequencies in the following order:
• Close Call ® Priority
- CC checks
for Close Call hits every 2 seconds while
monitoring other frequencies. You will
hear a slight break in reception while
Close Call Priority is on.
• Close Call Do Not Disturb
- Checks
for Close Call hits every 2 seconds
unless the scanner is already receiving a
transmission. This prevents the breaks in
audio, but can check less often.
• Close Call Only - Press the Close Call key
for longer than 2.5 seconds. The Close Call
Priority icon ashes to indicate this mode.
WX Press this key to activate the Weather
frequencies (7 NOAA). No other channels are
scanned while the WX bank is activated.
CB Press this key to monitor 40 programmed CB