6. Channel Selector/MENU/OK. Press the inner MENU/OK button to
select a menu option or other selection. Turn the outer Channel
Selector knob to:
Select channels
Select menu modes
Change scan resume direction (up or down)
Control Talkback volume
Control Mic gain level
Control Calibration volume
All channels except Channel 9 may be used for normal communication. The FCC
reserves Channel 9 for emergencies involving the immediate safety of individuals
or protection of property. Use Channel 9 to render assistance to a motorist.
This is an FCC rule and applies to all CB operators.
7. Microphone socket.
8. Indicators turn on when the function is turned on.
9. S/RF/CAL/SWR: Push to to check RF signal strength, calibration,
and SWR reading.
10. CB/PA: Selects CB (Citizens Band) or PA (Public Address).
Do not use the PA function unless an external speaker is connected.
11. MEM/SCAN: Press to start or stop scanning modes [All Channel
Scan (see page 10) and Memory Scan (see page 12)]. Press and hold
to set or clear channel memory while in Memory mode.
12. 9/19/NORM: Press to switch between emergency channel 9,
channel 19, and standard CB channels.
13. Frequency Display: Displays the MHz of the selected channel. Also
displays menu options.
14. ANL: Turns ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter) feature on and o.
ANL reduces external noise.
15. NB: Turns NB (Noise Blanker) feature on and o. NB reduces
interference from vehicle ignition systems.
16. RF Gain knob: Improves reception in strong signal areas.