Welcome to the world of sophisticated,
microprocessor controlled CB radio com-
munications. YourUniden PRO3 1Derepre-
sents the most advanced portable/mobile
radio ever designed for use in the Citizens
Band Radio Service. It will operate on any
of the 4D AM frequencies authorized by
the Department of Communications. Your
PRO 31Defeatures a superheterodyne cir-
cuit with PHASELOCKLOOPtechniques to
assure precise frequency control. It can be
powered by your vehicle battery or with
the snap-on battery pack (batteries not in-
cluded). Thisradio has been type acccepted
I and certified by the D.O.C
Before transmitting with your transceiver,
you must obtain a Department of Commu-
nications (D.O.C) Citizens Radio Licence.
Obtain an application form, from the
D.O.C Before completing the form you
should read the conditions governing the
licensing and operation of the CR.S.
(D.O.C brochure RB14). This brochure al-
so can be obtained from the D.O.C After
completing the application form, mail it
with the appropriate fee to the Superin-
tendant Regulatory of Licensing in the
State or territory in which the station will
be operated.
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