Section 3 - Service and Repair
If the refrigerator thermistor (T1) fails, the unit will continue to
operate based on the freezer temperature. Cycle lengths and
temperatures may not be exact; however, this will prevent the loss of
perishables. The display will show “ER.” The exact error can be
accessed via the service mode.
If the ice maker thermistor (T2) fails, the unit will operate except it
will not produce ice. The display will show “ER.” The exact error can
be accessed via the service mode.
If the freezer thermistor (T3) fails, the unit will continue to operate
based on the refrigerator (T1) temperature. Cycle lengths and
temperatures may not be exact; however, this will prevent the loss of
perishables. The display will show “ER.” The exact error can be
accessed via the service mode.
If the pan thermistor (T4) fails, the unit will operate normally;
however, the defrost will take place on time only rather than time/
temperature. The display will show “ER.” The exact error can be
accessed via the service mode.
To check to see which relays are currently operating, hold the
COLDER key and press the ON/OFF key three times. When entering
the sequence, keep the COLDER key pressed until you completely
release the ON/OFF key for the third time. The display will cycle
through a series of numbers to tell which relays are energized. For
example, if the unit was in ice-making mode the display would show
11 20 31 40 51 60 70. The first number is the relay number. In the
second number, 1 means ON and 2 means OFF. The relay
information can be found in the Control Section.
Each relay can also be turned on and off individually to determine
whether or not the board and component are operating. If a board is
suspected of not operating correctly, you can run through this
sequence to ensure each component is turning on and off through
the board correctly. Go into service mode and choose option #22.
This will cycle every relay on and off showing 10 11 20 21 …. If a
component fails to turn on when the relay does, you can verify if
there is voltage present by using a voltmeter to check the board
To view the actual refrigerator (T1) temperature, hold the WARMER
key until the actual temperature is displayed. To view the actual
thermistor readings for 2-4, hold the WARMER and COLDER keys
for about five seconds. The display will cycle through the three
thermistors and their temperatures. If a thermistor is unused in a unit
it will show a “0” reading.
In the general section the methods to enter some other service
modes are available. For these models some useful modes are the
servicing the unit.
Error Codes
E1, E2, E7, E8, E9 Bad thermistor errors. Replace thermistor.
Check for thermistor errors by accessing
“View thermistor # status (2, 19, 20, or 21).” If
the error code is repeated, the thermistor is
open or shorted. If a temperature is displayed,
the thermistor is not defective.
E3 This will be accompanied by a beep every
minute. This signals that the door (or bottom
drawer) has been left open for longer than 20
minutes. Close the door to reset. If the light
and display do not go off when the door is
closed check to make sure the magnet is
positioned properly.
E5 This signals that the unit has been above set-
point for more than twelve hours by at least 10
degrees. After repair is completed, leave for 24
hours to see if the problem is corrected. If it is
not corrected, it is most likely a refrigeration
system issue.
E6 This signals that the refrigerator section has
been at least 10 degrees below set-point for at
least twelve hours. This would most likely be
caused by a bad relay and the circuit board.
E10 This will be accompanied by a beep every
minute. This signals that the top drawer has
been left open for longer than 20 minutes.
Close the door to reset. If the light and display
do not go off when the door is closed check to
make sure the magnet is positioned properly.
After checking the errors be sure to clear the error log by
performing service option 12.
Not making ice
The ice maker needs to be down to 15°F before initiating a harvest. If
above 15°F, the unit is not cooling properly or has not been plugged
in for a sufficient period of time.
The CO2175DWR model will only harvest ice with the lower drawer
To check the operation of the circuit board and the ice maker, force
an ice harvest through the keypad input. During this time you can
check to see if the blades rotate, if they stop anywhere, if the water
valve opens, etc.