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2075R Refrigerator and 2075RF Refrigerator/Freezer
Side-By-Side Installation
For a complete refreshment center, install your 2075R or
2075RF Model beside a U-Line Ice Maker, Combo or Wine
Captain Model (see Figure 11 for typical cut-out). Note
that each Side-By-Side Installation will be different.
• Cut-out width for a side-by-side installation is the total
of the widths listed under Cut-Out Dimensions in each
unit’s Installation Guide.
For example:
Placing a 2075R or 2075RF next to a 2015 series unit
would require a cut-out width of:
24-3/16" + 15-3/16" = 39-3/8"
Placing a 2075R or 2075RF next to a 2075 series unit
would require a cut-out width of:
24-3/16" + 24-3/16" = 48-3/8"
No trim kit is required. However, 1/4-inch space needs to
be maintained
between the units to ensure
unobstructed door swing.
• Units must operate from separate, properly grounded
electrical receptacles placed according to each unit’s
Electrical Specifications.
(Black and White Units Only)
Two types of custom door panels can be installed on your
Black or White unit to harmonize with or accent the
surrounding décor: a Custom 1/4" Insert or a Full Overlay.
If no custom door panel is used, go on to 5 Adjust Door.
Custom 1/4'' Door Panel Insert
Door Panel Preparation
A custom door panel can be inserted into the doorframe.
Custom door panels can be flat or raised, as long as the
maximum panel thickness where inserted into the door
reveal (channel) is 1/4"-thick. For raised panels, the depth
of the reveal is 1/4" on all four sides.
Raised panels will reduce the door’s 90° swing/zero
clearance if the unit is installed next to a wall or similar
type of structure (see Page 5).
Cut the panel insert to the following dimensions.
Custom 1/4" Dimensions:
Width: 23-1/32"
Height: 28-5/32"
The door panel must not weigh more than 20 lbs.
Door Panel Installation
Install the insert as follows:
1. Remove the door shelves by first pulling shelves
up at a 45° angle then straight out (see Figure 34 on
Page 14).
Use care when handling the insert. Insert edges may be
2. Remove top hinge screw pin (7/64" Allen wrench or
Phillips screwdriver, depending on your unit’s
construction, see
Figure 12
). Remove door by tilting
forward and lifting off bottom hinge pin.
1/4" Space
Figure 11
Typical Side-By-Side Cut-Out
4 Prepare and Install Door Panel