
Rawcous "Ketsup"
4 red tomatoes
1 cup soaked dried tomatoes (drain and save soaking water)
3 pitted dates
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup virgin olive oil
juice of one lemon
pinch of sea salt
dash of ground black pepper (Mrs. Dash's lemon garlic pepper is great)
Yield: 2 cups sauce
Machine Instructions: Sauce / dressing recipes
Placing the Juicing screen into the front end of the Auger Housing, push in -
turning slightly in a clockwise direction.
Put the Screen Locking Cap over the screen and turn it counter-clockwise, while
holding the housing stable, to lock in position.
Attach the Juicing Nozzle (the middle sized opening) to the Screen Locking Cap
by turning it counter-clockwise.
Do not use the First Juice Outlet Plug. Leave the First Juice Outlet open for
maximum sauce yield.
Pulp is a part of this kind of recipe.
Foods need to be cut into small lengthwise pieces before processing.
There may be some normal squeaking noises while operating.
Insert the Funnel to the Auger Housing.
Place a bowl large enough to be underneath both the first and second Juice
Outlet. Plug in machine.
Turn the machine on and slowly feed ingredients into the Funnel. Use the Plastic
Plunger for assistance in pushing down foods.
1. Feed fresh and dried tomatoes, dates, and garlic through machine, alternating
2. Putting pureed ingredients into a bowl, whisk in olive oil, and lemon juice, spicing to
taste with salt and pepper.
3. Store in a glass jar, refrigerate. Will keep for 2 weeks.
Pumpkin Seed Pate
2 cups soaked (rinsed) raw pumpkin seeds
1 - 2 Tbs. miso (red or azuki miso preferred - spicing to taste)
1 Tbs. Red Star Nutritional yeast
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice (or more to taste)
Yield: 2 cups
Machine Instructions: Homogenizing recipes
Placing the Solid screen into the front end of the Auger Housing, push in -
turning slightly in a clockwise direction.
Put the Screen Locking Cap over the screen and turn it counter-clockwise, while
holding the housing stable, to lock in position.
Attach the largest sized Nozzle to the Screen Locking Cap by turning it counter-
Close off the First Juice Outlet with the First Juice Outlet Plug.
Foods need to be cut into small lengthwise pieces before processing.
There may be some normal squeaking noises while operating.
Insert the Funnel to the Auger Housing.
Place a bowl large enough to be underneath both the first and second Juice
Outlet. Plug in machine.
Turn the machine on and slowly feed ingredients into the Funnel. Use the Plastic
Plunger for assistance in pushing down foods.a
1. Rinse pumpkin seeds and towel dry. Feed slightly moist seeds into the funnel -
catching ingredients into the bowl below opening.
2. With fork, mix miso, nutritional yeast, and lemon juice into mix - seasoning to
desired taste.
3. Serve on vegetable chips, crackers, or breads as a pate / spread. Can be refrigerated
and used chilled.