31472AB 99
Search Alarm Window
Export Quality
It may be necessary to reduce the overall size of an AVI file; for example, to email to someone. AVI file sizes can be reduced by reducing
the image quality. However, reducing the image quality causes the AVI video to appear more pixilated. When size is not an issue, setting
quality to 100 is highly recommended.
Digital Signature
Adds a digital signature to the exported JPG image for use with the Digital Signature Verifier to verify integrity of exported images and
prevent tampering.
View Recorded Video
1. Double-click an event listing to open the Search Alarm window.
2. Use the play controls to locate the desired video.
3. Select the Continue Playing check box to watch all recorded events. When cleared, playback stops at the end of the alarm
4. Select the Same Camera check box to watch all events recorded by a single camera.
5. Click Apply after making any changes.
Export Video
1. Double-click an event listing to open the Search Alarm window.
2. Use the play controls to locate the desired video.
3. Click the Rewind button to return to the beginning or desired spot in the video.
4. Click the Stop button.
5. Select the Export Option – JPG or AVI.
6. Select the Digital Signature check box to embed a digital signature in a JPG file.
7. Reduce Export Quality only if necessary to reduce the size of the AVI file.
8. Click Export.