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Address Signal Description
RWrn+13 Read data 3
For a normal reply, the reply data to the instruction specified by the
instruction code is set.
RWrn+14 Reply code 4
When (RYnF) is on, the response code correspond to the instruction
code of (RWw n+14) is set. The value "0" is set for a normal reply and
other than "0" is set for data fault, mode error, etc.
RWrn+15 Read data 4
For a normal reply, the reply data to the instruction specified by the
instruction code is set.
RWrn+16 Reply code 5
When (RYnF) is on, the response code correspond to the instruction
code of (RWw n+16) is set. The value "0" is set for a normal reply and
other than "0" is set for data fault, mode error, etc.
RWrn+17 Read data 5
For a normal reply, the reply data to the instruction specified by the
instruction code is set.
RWrn+18 Reply code 6
When (RYnF) is on, the response code correspond to the instruction
code of (RWw n+18) is set. The value "0" is set for a normal reply and
other than "0" is set for data fault, mode error, etc.
RWrn+19 Read data 6
For a normal reply, the reply data to the instruction specified by the
instruction code is set.
Do not use it.
"n" is depend on the station number.