Customizing the functionsettings
TV Screen
16:9 Full, 16:9 Normal, 4:3 Pan & Scan and 4:3 Letterbox are available for your choice.
You can define the video output resolution in this option.
Selecting aresolution the TVdoes not supportcould result inan unstablepicture or lossof
the picture.See the documentationthat came withthe TV tofind theresolutions the TV
Only theHDMI
output onyour player supports1080p video outputat any framerate.
Color Space
To select theRGB, YCbCr, YCbCr422, or FullRGB to match yourTV for perfect display effect.
Deep color
This option decides whether to turn off the Deep Color (color depth) setting for video signals
output from the HDMI OUT jack.
Connecting the player and a TV that supports HDMI
Deep Color allows more accurate color
reproduction than when connecting it to a TV that does not support HDMI
Deep Color. It is
recommended to set this option Off if the picture is unstable or colors appear unnatural.
Movies are recorded on film at a rateof 24 pictures (frames) per second. Many of the movies on
Blu-ray™ discs are placed on the discs at this frame rate. However, not all TVs can display 24
progressive frames/secondof video. Ifthe TVcannot display thisframe rate,you need toturn off
Video Adjust
Brightness: Adjust the brightness of the picture.
Contrast: Adjust the contrast of the picture. The black portions of the picture become richer in
darkness and the white become brighter.
Hue: Adjust the hue of the picture.
Saturation: Adjust the amount of color in the picture.
Adjust the sharpness levels (Low, Middle or High) to improve detail in the picture.
Audio setting
The settings in the Audio menu will configure the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player’s digital audio
outputs (HDMI
or Coaxial).
Resolution: TVType:
Auto If yourTV is ahigh-definition TV(HDTV) connectedto the HDMI
jack onyour
player andyou want yourplayer to setthe output resolutionbased oninformation
exchanged betweenthe TV andyour player overthe HDMI
480i Ifyour TVis a standard-definitionTV (SDTV) capableof 480i only.
480p If yourTV is anenhanced-definition TV (EDTV)capable of 480ponly.
720p If yourTV is ahigh-definition TV (HDTV)capable of 720ponly.
1080i If yourTV is ahigh-definition TV (HDTV)capable of 1080ionly.
1080p Ifthe TV isa high-definition TV(HDTV) capable of1080p (anyframe rate)
connected tothe HDMI
jack onyour player.