Safety icons
This guide contains safety instructions that must be observed to avoid potential hazards that
could resultin personalinjuries, damageto yourequipment,or lossof data.These safetycautions
have been classified according to the seriousness of the risk, and icons highlight these
instructions as follows:
Indicates animminently hazardous situationwhich, if notavoided, will resultin deathor
serious injury.
Indicates apotentially hazardous situationwhich, if notavoided, could resultin deathor
serious injury.
Indicates apotentially hazardous situationwhich, if notavoided, may resultin minoror
moderate injury.
Indicates apotentially hazardous situationwhich, if notavoided, may resultin property
Provides importantinformation.
Package contents
❖ Remote Control (SE-R0418) with Batteries (1 set of 2 AAA)
❖ Quick Start Guide
Symbols used in this manual
The following symbols indicate the corresponding operation.
Symbol: Operation:
BD-video andBD-RE/BD-R recorded inBDMV format
Audio CD/DTS
DVD-RW/-R withAVCHD™ files
BD-RE/-R, DVD-RW/-Rand CD-RW/-R withMP3 files
BD-RE/-R, DVD-RW/-Rand CD-RW/-R withWMA files
BD-RE/-R, DVD-RW/-Rand CD-RW/-R withJPEG files