Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100 Page 6 -- 11 Cutting Unit
Service and Repairs
D Never place hands or feet in th e reel area
while backlapping. Stay away from the reel when
D Do not attempt to restart reel by hand or foot.
D Do not adjust cutting reel wh ile backlapping.
D Never use a short handled paint brush for
applying lapping compound. Part Number
TOR299100 backlapping brush assembly (see
Special Tools) is available from your local
Authorized To ro Distributor.
NOTE: Additional instructions and procedures on
backlapping are available in the Toro General Service
Training Book, Reel Mower Basics (part no. 09168SL).
1. Parkmachineonlevelsurface.Turnkeyswitchtothe
OFF position and remove key from the switch. Make
sure the traction lever is in the NEUTRAL position.
2. Disconnect the b attery pack (see Battery Pack Con-
nection in the General Information section of this chap-
3. The backlapping operation can be done with the cut-
ting unit either removed or attached to the traction unit.
A. If cutting unit is attached to the traction unit, slide
the telescoping coupler off the cutting unit hex shaft
before backlapping. Also, make sure reel drive lever
4. Make initial reel to bedknife adjustments appropriate
for backlapping on cutting unit.
5. Removeplug from the reeldrivecover on the left side
of the reel assembly (Fig. 15).
6. Insert a 1/2” socket onto hex of reel drive shaft.
7. Backlapaccording to procedure inToro GeneralSer-
vice Tr aining Book, Reel Mower Basics (part no.
8. When the backlapping operation is completed and
cutting reel is stopped, run a file across the front face of
the bedknife (Fig. 16). This will remove any burrs or
rough edges that may have built up on the cutting edge.
9. Install reel drive cover plugwhen backlapping opera-
tion is completed (Fig. 15).
IMPORTANT: When adjusting bedknife to cutting
reel, make sure that contact is as light as possible
to lengthen the amount ofwork themachinewillper-
form on each charge.
10.Adjust cutting unit reel to bedknife as needed.
11.If cutting unit is attached to the traction unit, slide the
telescoping coupler onto the cutting unit hex shaft. Con-
nect the battery pack (see Battery Pack Connection in
the General Information section of this chapter).
1. Telescoping coupler 2. Cutting unit hex shaft
Figure 14
1. Cover plug
Figure 15
Figure 16
Relief Angle
Front Angle
Top Face
Front Face
Remove Burr
Cutting Unit