Greensmaster eFlex 1800/2100Page 6 -- 8Cutting Unit
Factors That Can Affect Quality of Cut
There are a number of factors that can contribute to un-
satisfactory quality of cut, some of which may be turf
conditions. Turf conditions such as excessive thatch,
“sponginess” or attempting to cut off too much grass
height may not always be overcome by adjusting the
cutting unit. It is important to remember that the lower
the height--of--cut, the more critical these factors are.
See Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual and the Adjust-
ments and Service and Repairs section of this chapter
for detailed adjustment and repair information.
Possible Problem/Correction
Reel bearing condition. Check and replace reel bearings if necessary (see
Cutting Reel in the Service and Repairs section of this
Reel and bedknife sharpness. A reel and/or bedknife that has rounded cutting edges
or “rifling” (grooved or wavy appearance) cannot be
corrected by tightening the bedknife to reel contact.
Grind reel to remove taper and/or rifling. Grind
bedknife to sharpen and/or remove rifling.
The most common cause of rifling is bedknife to reel
contact that is too tight.
A new bedknife must be ground or backlapped
after installation to the bedbar.
Bedknife to reel adjustment. Check bedknife to reel contact daily. The bedknife
must have light contact across the entire reel. No
contact will dull the cutting edges. Excessive contact
accelerates wear of both edges. Quality of cut is
adversely affected by both conditions.
Slightly dull cutting edges may be corrected by
backlapping (see Backlapping in the Service and
Repairs section of this chapter).
Excessively dull cutting edges must be corrected by
grinding the reel and bedknife (see Preparing Reel for
Grinding in the Service and Repairs section of this
Height--of--cut. “Effective” or a ctual height--of--cut depends on the
mower weight and t urf conditions. Effective
height--of--cut will be different than the bench set
Proper bedknife for height--of--cut. If the bedknife is too thick for effective height--of--cut,
poor quality of cut will result.
Stability of bedbar. Make sure bedbar pivot bolts are securely seated (see
Bedbar in Service and Repairs section of this chapter).
Number of reel blades. Use correct number of blades for clip frequency and
optimum height--of--cut range.
Rear roller level. Reel and rear roller should be parallel for proper
cutting performance (see Leveling Rear Roller in
Adjustments section of this chapter).