Saber Maintenance Section 4-7
©2011 Alamo Group Inc.
Motor runs but 1. Belts 1. Inspect belts and pulleys. Replace
will not cut. belts and repair as needed.
2. Tensioner 2. Adjust tensioner nut flat washer
washer is flush with top of guide.
Mower turns slowly 1. Contaminants 1. Remove large nut on side of large
or not at all. restricting spool valve block. Remove spring, and use
movement in needle nose vise grip to pull spool
valve body. from block. Check block and spool
for contaminates and scratches.
Clean parts or replace if scratched.
2. Suction lines 2. Check for kinks or obstruction in
obstructed suction hose.
3. Low oil level 3. Check Hyd. tank level and fill.
Pump will not work 1. Excessive wear 1. Disassemble and repair.
on internal parts
Motor will not work 1. Excessive wear 1. Disassemble and repair.
on internal parts
NOTE: If flow meter is available, check pressure and flow volume for all suspected hydraulic problems.
If the solution to your problem cannot be found in this section, call the Technical Service representative at the
number shown on the front cover of this manual.