Front & Mid Plow Wings Safety Section 1-3
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.
Repeated or substantial breathing of hazardous dusts, including
crystalline silica, could cause fatal or serious respiratory disease including
silicosis. Concrete, masonry, many types of rock, and various other
materials contain silica sand. California lists respirable crystalline silica as
a substance known to cause cancer. Operation of this equipment under
certain conditions may generate airborne dust particles that could contain
crystalline silica. In those conditions, personal protective equipment
including an appropriate respirator must be used. If excessive dust is
generated, a dust collection or suppression system should also be used
during operation.
Si no lee ingles, pida ayuda a alguien que si lo lea para que le traduzca las
medidas de seguridad.
Never operate the Snow Plow until you have read and completely
understand this Manual, the Truck or Power units Operator’s
Manual, and each of the Safety Messages found in these Manuals
and those affixed to the Snow Plow, Truck, or Power units and its
components. Learn how to stop the power unit engine suddenly in
an emergency
Never allow inexperienced or untrained personnel
to operate the Truck or Power unit and Snow Plow without
supervision. Make sure the operator has fully read and understood
the manuals prior to operation.
In addition to the design and configuration of this Snow Plow, including Safety Signs and Safety Equipment,
hazard control and accident prevention are dependent upon the awareness, concern, prudence, and proper
training of personnel involved in the operation, transport, maintenance, and storage of the machine. Refer
also to Safety Messages and operation instruction in each of the appropriate sections of the Truck or Power
unit Manuals. Pay close attention to the Safety Signs affixed to the Snow Plow.
HENKE Snow Plows use balanced and matched system components for plows, carriers, and other
components. These parts are made and tested to HENKE specifications. Non-genuine or “will fit" parts do
not consistently meet these specifications. The use of non-genuine or “will fit” parts may reduce Snow Plow
performance, void HENKE warranties, and present a safety hazard. Use genuine HENKE parts for economy
and safety.
Always maintain the safety signs in good readable condition. If the safety signs are missing,
damaged, or unreadable, obtain and install replacement safety signs immediately.